Unlocking the Power of Nature: How Spending Your Childhood Outdoors Will Transform Your Adult Life

child development Mar 02, 2023

As a society, we all want our children to be healthy, happy, and well-rounded individuals. 

We enrol them in sports teams, music lessons, and language classes to help them grow and develop.

However, one aspect of their well-being that is often overlooked is their connection to nature.

You know it, we know it and Nature Play WA knows it too.

That’s why in this podcast we have invited CEO and researcher Dr. Kelsie Prabawa-Sear to share her thoughts on why all members of society (not just children!) need play, and nature time and why we must listen to children’s voices when it comes to policy making and research.



In this podcast, we touch on:


✔️ Understanding What Play Actually Is

Why the value of play doesn’t change as we age. That there shouldn’t be a certain ‘cut off age’ for allocated play time and that perhaps the biggest barrier for play is the language we use to describe it.


✔️ The Importance Of Children’s Voices When It Comes To Social Policy

When the child is the end user of a social policy, it only makes sense to ensure their point of view is a part of the research process.


✔️ The Research Outcomes Of Nature & Greenery Exposure

That children are able to accurately explain the way their bodies and minds feel in nature and how it’s completely aligned with scientific data.


✔️ The Incredible University of Kent Research Study 

Which showed adults who had positive nature experiences in childhood are able to call on their sensory memory to resource their mental health and well-being during tough times.







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  1. Are you ready to create your own Wildly Successful Nature Play Business? Head to www.raisingwildlings.com.au/wildbusiness to access the roadmap to start your own Wild Business. 

  2. Want to find your purpose in 10 minutes? Download our FREE treasure map to find your passion without compromising your educational values.

  3. Want to know how to craft an epic outdoor program that has parents, principals, and directors lining up to enrol? You need Nature Play Now our $57 Workshop and Bundle series (people are saying that this is the best program they’ve ever bought and it's a steal!)